Messages from Diverse Sources
Thursday, January 9, 2025
We Renew the Prayer of the Message Received on March 04, 2013
Prayer to God The Father published by Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy on January 4, 2025

Speak to Me, O men. Tell Me your love.
Celebrate Me in your heart.
Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God of the Universe, King of Israel! His deeds in 'Love are to the Universe known! Speak to Me, O men. Tell Me your love. Hymn songs of glory to My Holy Name and celebrate Me in your hearts.
Shout Israel her ruin, shout her children their despair: "Where is our God?"
Where are You, O God of Israel? Thou who hast saved us?
Return, O God, to deliver us from this hellish situation!
We wait for You Lord Jesus, do not delay!
The fog already thickens and our hearts enter weakness,
deception is before Your people;
O God, do not delay in giving justice to Your children!
Show us O God, Your Love, intervene soon, O King of the Gentiles!
Send us from Your Heaven a ray of Your Light,
that we may draw strength.
Send us, O God, our Father, Your Only Begotten Son,
to lighten the darkness that already grips the whole earth.
Let us hope in Your mercy, O Father,
and give us a sign of Your infinite Love
for us who are in distress.
Enlighten us, O Lord God, the way, that we also, Your children,
are not lost in waiting for everything to be fulfilled,
and the new day come to shine on this dark world of sin.
Bless Your people, O God! Bless Your faithful children,
and give them strength to come to the end of this earthly mission,
firm in their faith in You!
Gracious, O Lord, our little offerings,
which in our human misery we strive to give to You.
Love us, O Lord, love us always. Never tire of giving us of You!
Our soul yearns for You.
Yes, Lord, as the doe yearns for the streams of water,
so our soul yearns for You, O God! It yearns for You, the only and true Good.
Yes, we thirst for You O God of Love, of peace, of joy, of life:
come and quench our thirst with You! Love us, O God, love us always!
Thank You for Your Goodness, thank You for Your patience,
thank You O God, thank You!
Come, O Lord, come, the time is now ripe,
don't make us wait any longer!
Our hearts pant for Your Beauty, and our limbs speak of You,
yearn for You Supreme Good, only You eternal Love!
Turn, O Lord, Your benign gaze upon Your children,
and deliver them from the dark chains of the infernal enemy!
Be Your Blessing and Grace to us today! Amen God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Source: ➥